Monthly Archives: August 2009

Procrastination Fascination

Thought I’d keep Kate’s rhyming title trend going.

So I move tomorrow. And based on my moving experience from less than a month ago, I bet you can predict juuuust how far along my packing is going. Bright side: I was up LAST night ’til 3:30 am packing until my mom came and told me I was keeping her awake because she could hear me in the basement. So I went to bed.

I’ll attempt to keep this brief (first time ever? perhaps), but here are some highlights of my recent life:
– I saw shooting stars last night because of the meteor shower!
-Put In Bay was great fun!
-I had a surprise breakfast date with Patrick today at First Watch!
-I am moving in tomorrow!
-I get paid next week!
-I roadtripped yesterday and saw LOTS of really awesome people! I also went on a picnic on Tuesday and saw LOTS of really awesome people then, too. 🙂
-I get to have catch-up playtime with Austin sometime (more than once, even?) this weekend!
-I have talked to Salsa, Shawn, Jes, Chris, Katelyn, Dong, and Jacqui in less than a week’s time– it’s a rare occasion that so many of my best friends and I are all communicating at once!
-I am getting SO EXCITED for this year’s activities– Loyolacappella, Social Justice Learning Community kids, Companions…We have such great energy and we aren’t even all together yet!

And some lowlights, too, just so you aren’t consumed with jealousy or anything:
-My TKD key got temorarily (?) revoked by Matt Forrest (Austin, back me up!).
-My boss left Loyola this week and the only reason I know is because she sent me a mass email at 2pm on the afternoon that WAS her last day. Mind you, this is the second boss from the second department I work in at LUC that has had a boss leave this summer…I am sad.
-My mother keeps getting mad at me for reasons unbeknownst to me.
-One of my scholarships is currently messed up and has potentially altered the state of my financial standing for this year. Whaa whaaa.
-Did I mention my inability/lack of desire to pack my life away?

Bye babies. 🙂 Next post I write, I’ll be settled happily in my new plizzace!

rachel anne in the frying pan

i’m waiting for rachel to get here! we are going for $1 beers. today has not been a good day. it’s looking up. i think most people realize that rachel a. csonka and i have been friends since 1990. that’s the longest friend i had, because that’s pretty much the first year that i think i was allowed out of my parent’s view for a few hours to go to preschool. (jacqui was also there, for the record. lots of my friends actually went to preschool with me which is sort of weird when i realize i’m 21 still hanging out with people that saw me in time out)

but rachel! she just got here. it’s weird blogging about someone when they are sitting next to you. so off we go!

I always get talked into going to PIB.

For the record, Pia told me his cliffhanger debut was coming. I’m still losing sleep over what’s to come…really.

So I went to Columbus for the last 2 days. Why, you ask? Well, the answer is quite simple: I needed a haircut, and my favorite stylist (you Cbus people should give her some business at Archie B’s– 1104 High St) recently moved from up here to down there. While I don’t actually care that much about hair, I do care about having quality conversation if I’m paying $35+tip for someone to shear off my dead ends, so she always wins out and I refuse to commission anyone else for the job. (She also gives awesome cuts with little-to-no instruction.)

Anyway, I decided to make it an endeavor, so I went for 2 days instead of a 45-minute hair appointment. I didn’t tell fellow DGCW teammate/blogger DanDan that I was there, and he’ll never know because he doesn’t even remember that this blog exists (remember my list of predictions from post #1? CHECK IT OFF.). Turns out he was probably macking on his visiting girlfriend, so he probs would have ignored my call anyways. The first night, we called random friends to go to dinner (we were already in the parking lot of the restaurant when we invited them…oops) and then we went to Ugly Tuna. Of course. Where else would we go? I GOT TO SEE TIM NUNN– for all you OASC followers, his hair is short, he is doing awesomely, he has a job for the fall and he rides his bike everywhere while sporting a yellow helmet. 🙂

On Wednesday, Patrick took me to Northstar for lunch, where I ate the most excellent foods I’ve ever had (complete with a bombtastical strawberry smoothie!) and we took a stroll in the rose garden, where we saw a newly engaged couple looking so in love but then saw them fighting in the parking lot 15 minutes later. Ahhh, that’s amore. We ventured south and visited 7 baby kitty cats who need to be adopted and my heart was stolen by them; I’m seriously considering taking one in, even though I’ve never had a cat and, as I told my sister, I am “mildly” allergic. Minor. When we went out that night, we ended up at Tuna yet again, and let’s just say the end of the night was not pretty. Leslie got an unforgettable voicemail from Couch and me, though, so the night was not a complete wash. 😉

Jacqui and Shabizzy tag-teamed me and convinced me to go to Put-In-Bay tomorrow night…Again.
After I had originally told them absolutely not and been certain I wasn’t going…Again.
I am already really broke…Again.

The memories will definitely be worth it, as it is the Bally Brothers Birthday Bar Bash (Shawn, were have you BEEN on this blog?!). I’m not wearing white shorts this time, and I am NOT allowing cameras around me after the pictures that surfaced last time I went. DOUBLE YIKES on my part.

Other highlights of my life:
Rascal Flatts tonight!
Moving into 5307 a week from this moment! YIPPEE!!


pat! i am in total suspense!

but to the real point: i am very stressed out because i have my final poster presentation (the 3 foot x 4 foot SCIENTIFIC POSTER ON GLOSSY PAPER) due in which i thought was a week, but is really one day. TOMORROW it is due. and materials/methods is tricky because how specific is too much? and my professor is missing in action. like i’m going to CALL HER if she doesn’t email me back in 2 hours. she has until 7 p.m. EST. so i keep typing and erasing, overthinking because i was underthinking, citing everything…

if this is what the professional world of science is like, i don’t want to publish again. wow i’m really aiming high.

Are you ready? Because it’s coming…

In need of some late-night entertainment?

Well first of all, you’ve come to the right place, and is more than happy to have you at all hours. We’re even open on holidays!

Second of all, if you are facebook friends with me (and if you aren’t, don’t request me unless i know you because that’s really creepy, cyberworld), you should look at my wall. I’ve been peeing my pants/crying from laughing because my “kids” from camp last year are writing poems about me on my wall. They literally took over the ENTIRE thing.

WARNING: They are somewhat raunchy. Parental discretion is advised.

There’s a back-story to the “poems”; they’re called “Introduce Yourselves” and we do them at the middle school camps every year to describe/tease all of the staff-os about traits, inside jokes, or slip-ups that may have been a trademark of that person for the week. Obv, they’re much more mild and light-hearted to suit the minds of the audience. The 2 people writing them on my wall are not only my former campers, but they’re also counselors for those middle schoolers. And tonight, they are choosing to use their power for evil rather than good. MUAHAHAHA.

Here is a snippet to grab your attention:

My name is Molly
I love, “That’s what she said,”
but in reality,
I have no experience in bed.


Molly! You have been so productive on the blog! Pat-on-the-back-from-afar!

So this weekend consisted of a whole lot of nothing. Saturday I sunn-ed with the roommates for approximately five hours and my skin is ivory, so now it is red. A couple good sun burns a year (please muffle your ears, surgeon general) actually feel o.k. to me, let’s me know that i’m still alive, eh? But we ate popsicles, snuck into the pool that i was once kicked out of, and successfully went swimming.

Today I babysat two little boys (like age 2 and the other 10 months? 8 months? I’m bad at guessing ages, but the older boy can count and loves to say “mine, no, stop that, etc.” and the littlest one says nothing but stands for about 10 seconds before falling) It was pretty easy, but my navy shirt still has gunk on it from unspecified amounts of slobber. It’s nice getting out of the Bowling Green bubble though, even if i get pinched for a few hours.

Kevin Doan is bringing a Bulgarian friend (spelling?) from Put-In-Bay to Bowling Green tonight. They have called a couple of times already. I think they let you drink on the ferry on a Sunday night, so it’s difficult to say if Kevin and his island friend have started yet or they are just really happy to make outgoing calls. So i need to make myself look presentable sometime soon, I just really dont have the desire to get off my Nanny’s couch and reach for the clinique. Only 2 more weeks of work!! I have a really big poster presentation on Aug. 14 (i have to wear a suit!) and then I have a week off before school starts–I think I’m going to go home for a couple of days and kick it with la familia.

my dad accidently texted me something meant for his lady friend today. nothing too creepy to read, but it did say “glad you finally got some rest WINK FACE ” and that made my food come up a little bit in the throat.

My back hurts.

…from all of the hardcore carrying I’m doing on this blog. Teammates? Hellooooo?

Quick snapshot of my current interests, a format stolen from

Listening: Pandora, Colin Hay station. It’s mostly bringing up Mat Kearney, Dave, Ben Harper, Jack Johnson, Jackson Browne, and the man himself– Colin Hay. I’m absolutely adoring it, nevermind the fact that it sometimes reads my mind and freaks me out.

Watching: How many times a day I eat because I despise having to rinse my wisdom holes with saline solution. And when I do eat, it’s pretty much a certified binge because I have to make the 20 minutes of rinsing worth it.

Reading: A Million Little Pieces by James Frey, and passages in letters from my best friend Katelyn Marie Bonko.

Wearing: My signature teal gauchos!

Wanting: Furniture for my new apartment’s living room, endless amounts of postage credit, Wednesday.

Keep your eyes peeled for the sporadic reappearance of this format! 😉