Monthly Archives: January 2010

I love that this is becoming the main source of communciation between me & my best friends.

Chrissa, this format is too dark. PLEASE, dude. we are rays of sunshine to the blogging world. i do, however, THOROUGHLY dig the floral (dare i say victorian?) pattern in the back though. keep tweakin’, baby boiiii!

and thank you for being a genius.

Teachers cancel class on the most inconvienent days!!

my biology of aging professor canceled class, and i stayed in bowling green to take the quiz that she was going to pass out, and now i’m in bowling green with no quiz. doesn’t that stuff just really fire you up?? cancel with a little bit of notice!! or cancel when it’s freezing and i wasn’t planning on walking over to campus anyways!!!

i’m very happy otherwise, i had such a good night yesterday at crosstrainging, cru, and then to trotters with some great people!! sometimes i feel so lucky to have such good friends, that i almost feel bad not knowing if everyone has felt that happy before! that’s all for now, i need to pack and get over to akron 🙂

it looks beautiful already!

chris, everything looks beautiful already. i think that i’m so “three-thousand and eight” because i can use: microsoft word, twitter, and facebook…please do not even fake joke that the website looked good before (that was a default!) thank you for spending a little free time on it!! 🙂

so i have always thought that i was special: before i thought i had a certain magnetic field around me because it seems that street lights perpetually flick off every time i’m near them. or this one time, for a few months straight, (maybe i was sixteen or so?) i had extremely vivid dreams and i didn’t even feel like i was sleeping. FOR MONTHS!
but my recent blog talking about how beautiful j. d. salinger was really struck a chord of E.S.P….he died of natural causes today! i cried at work and no one understood why. it wasn’t because i think he’s the best author or anything like that, but when men have a way with words it truly amazes me. i fell in love with a fictional character–zooey glass–not only because of his description, but because of the character he was created to be.
on a lighter note, i’m road trippin’ to akron tomorrow! erika (my sugar momma) said we can go get a nice dinner and wear heels and visit together. she also lives in a house with a washer/dryer so i’ll be doing some laundry. i’m only planning on going friday-saturday, but sometimes a girl just needs a breather!
molly: i liked your blog about looking at the flowers around your feet. my natural impacts class talks about ways to connect people to the environment, by telling stories of your own experiences. maybe one day when i’m a park ranger i will tell people to look at their feet more often.
bye for now!

Regarding the design

Hello everybody,

I am currently spicing up our design, even though Katelyn did a fantastic job with the last one, I am going for a more ‘custom’ approach.  Please don’t mind the mess for the next few days as I sort things out.

a hell of a morning

Hello friends!

I am on here, just to vent about this faannntastic morning I had (can’t you just feel the sarcasm oozing from this Post already!?). actually started last night after the Cavs game, I went to start my car…it cranked over really slow and finally started…PHEWWWW that was close.  Then when I got home, I was going to take the battery out and charge it over night, well I opened the hood and my battery was smoking and hissing….AWESSSOMMEEE!  I said “eff it” and left it in there.  This morning I woke up and my right ear was draining (I was at Kalahari last weekend so I guess that’s why), then I have a very unfortunate sty on my left eye, and I had to go to the dentist for more effin dental work.  The car actually started…gotta love the Honda’s.  I wasn’t at the dentist for long so I went home and decided to hang out with my favorite person on the planet for a little while longer (I had a half day at work already, so i figured why not), Jes.  Her ability to make me laugh never fails, so after all that I went through this morning…it actually turned out to be a pretty good morning because of my goofy ass girlfriend :). 

Be sure to follow me on twitter if you aren’t already

…and that’s the way the cookie crumbles!

I will tell you when I know.

Turns out, this semester my mind is TOO liberated because I forget to do things like go to work, go to scheduled lunch meetings, check what rooms my classes are in, and call people I said I would call to do planning. Whoops.

I’m currently drafting up bi-weekly reflections for meetings with my fellow learning community leaders, and I decided to start with what I know best– quotations. So I spent an hour at work yesterday looking at different ideas about community, which led me to a quote that I put as my current status, which led me to look up the life of that particular person, which led me to a person for whom an award that person #1 received was named for, which led me to this:

“In the hopes of reaching the moon men fail to see the flowers that blossom at their feet.”

So there you have it. Sometimes (read: all the time), we are so busy striving for ambition and progress and titles and accomplishment that we forget to look where we are standing and see the beautiful joys that exist without ever having to do anything that shakes the universe. And now I say this: “success” is something that we all have the ability to define for ourselves– and consequently, then, for no one else. Is it important to invest in and hope for the betterment, growth and fulfillment of those around us in the world? Absolutely. Is it up to our standards that they must measure? Absolutely NOT.

The closer I get to graduation, the less I care about the answer to the question, “What will you be doing?” I know I will be very happy and very passionate, no matter where I find myself. And for me, that’s more of a sense of success than any paycheck or door plaque could generate.

Could it be!?

guess what!?  I am finally on here!  I found out, thanks to Katelyn giving me her login information that I was never even added to the “authors” list of this blog, so that’s why I was unable to log on and blog!  Well, I will be heading to the Cavs game tonight with Media Credentials, so I might have to update the blog when I am there on my iPod touch.  I look forward to blogging a few more times in the future 😉

Jerome David Salinger has not published since 1965

I just left Greek Awards 2009, even though it’s 2010. I think i was the only person in that entire room that thought that was weird. but my sorority won a couple of awards about scholarship and my friend – steph taylor – won an individual award (which i think also landed her a scholarship!) but she is very admirable. her award was actually more meaningful than the overall sorority award for me! it was amazing the amount of girls wearing pencil skirts there. like i bet 80% of girls there had a pencil skirt on–i had no idea these were so trendy. they might not know what year it is, but they sure know how to get ready for an awards banquet.

Shawn is coming over later to watch a movie. I bet we will argue about a movie for about 5 minutes or so, and then he’ll say “i don’t really carrrrrrrrrrre katelyn, you just pick whatever you want that isn’t a chick flick” and i’ll say “i don’t like chick flicks” and then he’ll list every chick flick that i’ve said was sort of cute that he can remember. i honestly don’t care what movie we watch because that watch instantly option on netflix is the coolest invention in the entire world. if someone is unhappy with their life i would recommend they get netflix. it makes mail cooler, you can watch lots of things instantly (with no commercials if it’s t.v.!), and i’m sure there are lots of other cool reasons. do you have netflix? i sound like a bad spokesperson.
“I perhaps owe having become a painter to flowers.”
-Claude Monet
(if you are reading this message, chances are… i miss you even if we’re never met!)

I’m down with Ecru/Cream (Yeah, You Know Me)

To translate my parody title, I’m ok with the new color scheme.
I just fixed the space bar on this public computer so I could blog. BOOM.

It’s been a great past few days. I’ve discovered the fitness (read: yoga) programs on OnDemand, and since I pay my roomie $30 a month for internet I can’t use (stone-age computer, remember?) and cable I typically only use when he suckers me into watching hours upon hours of trash TV (“uhmmm, HALLOOO! Ah yoo DUMB?!”– Jersey Shore) I decided that I should use said yoga programs every night. It’s been an awesome way to end my day!

I also currently have 4 letters sitting on my desk, waiting to be replied to (yayyy!) and I officially submitted my Pass/No Pass form for one of my classes, making my 12-credit hour schedule that much more easy. AAAAND I got 2 packages in the mail in 4 days. Contents: from my mother, my brown flat “snow” boots (not really waterproof) & You’re in the Super Bowl, Charlie Brown!. From Matt Forrest, 3 MU shot glasses, a card with a paddleball on it (remember those things?!), a lovely MU shirt that I can’t wait to wear, and…..MY BLACK FLIP FLOPS! Which had been eaten by TKD’s garage couch in November. Never thought I’d see those puppies again.

On another note, the night before I left Elyria, I went to 184 Buh-race to see Jes, Chris, Erin, and Parkerbabyboi and we watched Modern Family & Lawn & Order: SVU. This is only relevant for two reasons: 1) we watched Modern Family in my Comparative Family Policy Class (I have the magical ability to select classes that show TVepisodes to illustrate textbook points), and 2) Katelyn’s hot British friend down there (Sayied from Lost) was the most awesome investigator ever in the SVU episode…and I, similarly, fell hard for him.

This is why we get along.
I am going to go read 80 pages on “the art of theological reflection” for class. Bye-bye!


I made the changes, i have no idea why, change them if you’d like….if you dare.